Mike Beamish
“The market is a temperamental mistress and does not need a lawyer to take your house, so risk management is crucial”
Prior to launching the Praesidium SA Fund in December 2003, Mike spent six years at the Johannesburg office of HSBC Securities. He was employed as a derivatives sales trader for two years and then ran the proprietary trading book for four years. He left HSBC in May 2003 to start Praesidium Capital Management (Pty) Ltd, an alternative asset management business specialising in fund management. The award winning Praesidium SA Fund has one of the longest track records in the South African Fund History. In total Mike has over 17 years of successful long/short equity and derivative trading experience.
Of late, he has focused his investment efforts on those businesses that aspire to becoming listed on the stock market. He assisted with the successful listing of Ascendis Health, a Main Board stock now trading on the Pharmaceutical sector of the JSE. Mike holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Natal, Durban.
The market is a temperamental mistress